College Committee List

Academic & Administrative Head - The Principal: The Principal is the nucleus of the College administration and the final authority in all academic, administrative & financial matters, Departmental Heads, IQAC Coordinator, Staff Council Secretary and Head Clerk / Accountant to assist in the governance of the College. The Principal convenes meetings and delegate’s authority to the academic and administrative staff to carry out the assigned tasks within the stipulated time. The Institutional Strategic/Perspective Plan was first prepared from the academic session 2017-18 to 2021-22.

IQAC: IQAC plays an active role in the conduct of all the curricular and co-curricular activities to ensure quality outcomes through proper planning, Colleges' IQAC is constituted as per the guidelines of NAAC with major focus on developing a holistic system to improve the academic and administrative performance of the College with impeccable quality on all levels. IQAC also sensitizes the College staff and students regarding the role of NAAC in a HEI.

Heads of the Departments (HoDs): The HoDs are entrusted with the task of laying down the departmental action plans for each semester / session after discussion with the staff members.. HoDs convene departmental meetings every month to discuss and plan in advance the execution of teaching plan, syllabus completion, class assignments, internal assessments etc.

Various committees: The various academic quality policies are framed by the academic council of the college and implemented by various committees specially named and designed to conduct the related tasks and cells established to support the academic & administrative work of College are namely; Staff Council, Anti-Ragging,  Internal Audit, Purchase and Write-off, IQAC, UGC, Website, Student Union, College Magazine and Newsletter, Career Guidance & Skill development, Grievance Redressal, Scholarship, Cultural & Youth Festival, Library, Information, Sports, NSS, Time-table, Examination, Alumni Association, Janbhagidari etc.

Non Academic Staff: Non-Academic Staff includes Head Clerk/Accountant, Class III and Class IV Staff. They perform their duties under the supervision of the Principal. Their major function is to ensure availability of requisite amenities in the College, Bank transactions and running errands for the College.

The College under the leadership of the Principal, identified major strategic / perspective plans &

Imperatives and employed necessary efforts to improve the thrust areas like:

1. Enhanced Teaching and Learning

2. Workshop/Seminar

3. Introduction of New Academic Programmes

4. Improving Infrastructural Facilities

5. Employability of the Students

6. Co-Curricular Activities

7. Public Relations

8. Extra-Curricular Activities

9. Utilization of Government funds

Perspective plan

  • Since the mission of the institution is to educate and rural area and neighboring area, the college prepares its perspective plans with this focus point.
  • There are several committees with representatives from teaching and non-teaching staff to support various academic, administrative and extension activities of the college. 
  • The important committees are IQAC, Examination control committee, Purchase committee, Admission committee, etc. The teachers take these platforms as opportunities to highlight the women related issues.
  • Institute has vision and mission which are innovative in nature. It fulfils the requirement of society by providing quality education through contemporary technology.

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